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Ray Starita & His Ambassadors, Betty Bolton
Carroll Gibbons & The Savoy Hotel Orpheans
Isham Jones & His Orchestra
Jackie Taylor & His Orchestra
Eddy Duchin & His Orchestra, Lew Sherwood
Ted Weems & His Orchestra, Parker Gibbs
Billy Scott Comber, Jack Payne & His Orchestra
Ben Selvin & His Orchestra, Paul Small, Helen Rowland
Eddie Cantor, Victor Young & His Orchestra
Jack Hylton & His Orchestra, Chappie D´Amato
Stuart Churchill, Fred Waring & His Orchestra
The Savoy Orpheans
Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra, The Rhythm Boys
Pee Wee Hunt, Casa Loma Orchestra
Duke Ellington & The Harlem Footwarmers
Johnny Hamp's Kentucky Serenaders
Ben Selvin & His Orchestra, Eva Taylor
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